81% of white evangelicals voted for Trump
60% of white catholics voted for Trump
What attributes of republicans and democrats are Christ-like?
Republicans - typically more conservative on abortion and same sex marriage
Democrats - equality for all people
called a “secular” party28% of democrats are non-religious
and 14% of republicans are non-religious
29% of democrats say they go to religious services ONCE A WEEK
1/3 of deocrats are pro-life
Obama was quoted “They (republicans) get bitter and cling to guns or religon”
e Savior's birth for centuries.
Oaths in courtrooms have invoked God from the beginning.
The founding fathers often quoted the Bible in their writings.
Every president that has given an inaugural address has mentioned God in that speech.
Prayers have been said at the swearing in of each president.
Each president was sworn in on the Bible, saying the words, "So help me God."
Our national anthem mentions God.
The liberty bell has a Bible verse engraved on it.
The original constitution of all 50 states mentions God.
Chaplains have been in the public payroll from the very beginning.
Our nations birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence, mentions God four times.
The Bible was used as a textbook in the schools.
Should we write laws based upon the Bible - and is that possible with a separation of church and state?’
I don’t think it’s possible to not
Is socialism more of a Christian form of government?
Everything is shared
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
The term socialism refers to any system in which the production and distribution of goods and services is a shared responsibility of a group of people.
PArable of the talents - Matthew 25:14-30
How often should we be praying for our leaders? Timothy 2:1-2
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Political leaders are still people
Do you believe that all rulers are still established by God? Romans 13:1
People vote - fate vs. freewill
What is the goal of government/politics? To limit sin and promote justice:
"While it cannot redeem the world or be used as a tool to establish the Kingdom of God, civil government does set the boundaries for human behavior," Colson says. "The state is not a remedy for sin, but a means to restrain it."
Should we run for more political offices so there are more Christians in power?
If we feel lead