camping meals

One of my favorite drinks especially in the summer is boba tea. Some people call it bubble tea in the US, but it can be called either one. One of my great friends got me some boba balls a few months ago, and I finally decided to try them out. Really, I had a Chinese Couchsurfer at my house, and thought she’d be able to help. Here is the recipe that I followed. Hope you enjoy!

ham and pineapple
sausage, sp, and brussels
Steaks, potatoes, and a veggie
brats with green peppers and onions
tacos, tacos, and taco salads :)
manicotti with stuffed chicken

Hello Fresh!


  • 2-4 black tea bags

  • 1/2 cup dried boba (tapioca pearls)

  • honey (to your taste)

  • 1 cup milk (whatever milk type you enjoy)
    I used coconut milk and regular milk


  1. Make 1 cup of tea with your tea bags. Refrigerate until chilled

  2. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil

  3. Add boba to boiling water, and stir until they float to top

  4. Turn heat to medium and cook for 15 minutes

  5. Remove boba from heat and water and mix in bowl with honey

  6. Pour tea into tall glass, add boba, and pour milk over top

  7. Stir in additional honey or sugar to your liking.

  8. Garnish drink with paper or glass boba straw